
Review, Facilities and Entry Requirements at Temple University US

Studying abroad is the dream of many people. Especially when we can study at a prestigious university. One of them is studying at Temple University in America. From the first registration until the graduation process, this university provides a lot of personal support to help all its students grow as qualified individuals, global citizens and […]

The Alumni Association of Temple University

The Alumni Association of Temple University – As one of the biggest universities in United States, you can be sure that Temple University already has a lot of graduates. Based on their data, there are already more than 300,000 students who have graduated from this university. When you are talking about the graduates, there are […]

Temple University as the Home of Black Students

Temple University as the Home of Black Students as the Home of Black Students – There were times when black students were considered as the second-class students. However, that is not something that you can find in Temple University, even until this time. Even though this university is like many other universities in United States, […]

Reasons to Choose Temple University For Your Further Study

Reasons to Choose Temple University For Your Further Study – As many of you have known, there are quite a lot of universities that you can find in United States. Some of them are quite good and the others are not so good. If you want to find a good university to continue your study, […]

Nice Facilities inside Temple University to Support Your Study

Nice Facilities inside Temple University to Support Your Study – Facility is number one priority that a campus has to think about for their students. That is because a campus with a lot of nice facilities usually born a lot of amazing students. The main reason is because all of those facilities help the students […]

Here Are 17 Majors You Can Learn at Temple University

Here Are 17 Majors You Can Learn at Temple University – Confused about what kind of majors you should choose in university? If that’s the case, then you can try choosing universities with broad major choices such as Temple University. • ArtsIn Tyler School of Art and Architecture, you will not only work on your […]

Why Temple University Is A Good Choice For International Students

Why Temple University Is A Good Choice For International Students – Most of the time, universities offer international admission. However, that doesn’t mean the community within the campus is inclusive. In most cases, there is only a small number of international students either because of the limitation within the campus or the lack of admission. […]

Some Nice Club Activities to Choose in Temple University

Some Nice Club Activities to Choose in Temple University – You have to admit that a university with no activity is something quite boring. As a matter of fact, the activity inside the campus is one thing that can simply unite many students from many different backgrounds and degree too. That is why if a […]

Degrees and Programs You Can Choose in Temple University USA

Degrees and Programs You Can Choose in Temple University USA – The name of Temple University has been known as one of those famous university as the home of many black students. Some people think that this kind of thing is related with the history of the black people on this university, but it is […]

Some Activities and Organizations found in University

University is the place to learn. There can be many things to learn and these are not limited to the academic or curricular things. University students can learn about many things. Even, it can be said that they are learning about life and preparing their life for their future. That is why there can be […]

Extracurricular Activities for University Students

As university students, there are many things to do in the campus. Of course, it is not only to spend the whole day inside the classroom for studying various subjects. In fact, there are also some interesting activities and organizations provided by the campus for the students so they can also develop other aspect of […]

Pursue Higher Education at Temple University

Temple University is a public university situated in Philadelphia, United States of America. This once private university was built in 1884 by Russell Conwell, Baptist Minister. As the 28th biggest university in America, Temple University offers you a wide variety of majors including law, medicine, podiatry, dentistry, architecture, and pharmacy. Temple University is very large […]

Some Good Points to Get from Part-Time Job

It is so common and normal to find university or college students taking part-time jobs. There can be many reasons of it, and sometimes it is not only about money. In this case, of course there can be many benefits to get when students can find part-time jobs. Of course, you may also be interested […]

Some Alternatives of Social Activities in Campus

As university students, life can be so boring when it is only for academics. Things are not interesting when things are only for academics and that is why universities always have many social groups and activities. These are provided so students can also have other aspects of life to develop and it is not limited […]

Some References of Social Activities Found in Universities

It is always interesting to join many activities in the campus. As university students, it is no longer the moment when they will go back home after they finish their class. They will not directly go home, but they will attend and join some extracurricular activities and these are important for the students. These are […]

Some kinds of Social Activities for University Students

Campus is not only place for study. It is true that the university students coming to the campus for study as their priority, but there are also some activities to follow since they also need to have some soft skills for their social life and other aspect. In this case, there are many kinds of […]

Some Common Social Activities Found in Campus and Universities

As college students, there can be many things to do. In this case, studying the lessons and subjects are important since it is the main goal of studying in the college. However, there are also many activities offered and provided by the colleges for the students. These kinds of activities are to make people create […]

Some Activities for Social Experiences

There are many activities in universities. These are provided by the universities for the students so they can also be active in the organizations and other activities. These extracurricular activities also have role since this can help students to grow in other aspects of life, so they do not only advance in the academic or […]

Some Social Activities to Join in College

Social life and social activities are necessary in university. That is why there are many kinds of activities to join and students can choose what they like. In this case, these can be so necessary since university students are not only for academic skills. They study in university to be better person and it is […]

Extracurricular Activities to Get Social Experiences in University

Studying in university may be dream of everyone. It is because there can be many things to learn and it Is not limited to the academic life. People can get many other things other than curricular things. They can also learn and prepare their life for the better future. In this case, the other things […]

Some Social Activities Found in University

Social life becomes one of the concerns in university level. Students in university level are no longer children or teenagers. They start to be mature in the way of thinking and feeling. That is why university is not only place to study many kinds of subjects and materials, but it is also place to become […]

Some Alternatives of Social Activities Found in University

As a student, learning is compulsory. It is even the goal in the school. When students are already in the university level, they still have to learn many kinds of things. The things are focused on some kinds of theme or topics of learning, since it is time to focus on personal interests. Moreover, university […]

Many Ways to Get Part-Time Jobs

It is normal to find university students looking for part-time jobs. There are many reasons of doing this and money is not the only reasons. There can be many opportunities to find. There can also be many ways to get the part-time jobs. Of course, there are many kinds of jobs to get. If you […]